Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Three Beginner Meditation Mistakes to Avoid

Richard Berrebbi serves as the owner of BD Resources, LLC, a development company bringing traditional and alternative medicines and technologies to other businesses. In Rich Berrebbi’s free time, he enjoys meditating.

Meditation offers numerous physical and mental health benefits such as reducing stress and anxiety, while also helping to decrease blood pressure. If you want to start meditating, the following are three mistakes you should avoid if you want to make the most of your meditation:

1. Trying to Teach Yourself - While practicing on your own is perfectly fine, having somebody teach you the ins and outs of meditation can do wonders for beginners. As a newcomer, you are bound to be rough around the edges and have certain hurdles to overcome. An instructor can quickly spot those issues and teach you how to to adapt to or get past them. 

2. Failing to Prepare - Instead of jumping right into your meditation, take a few minutes to relax, calm down, and mentally prepare. Affirm to yourself that your goal now is to focus. This pre-meditation preparation can help you go much deeper and have a more fulfilling experience. 

3. Letting Distractions Win - You will get distracted when meditating, everyone does from time to time. As a beginner, it will happen more frequently than it would for those who have been practicing for years. Instead of beating yourself up for getting distracted, congratulate yourself for catching it and gently bring yourself back into the moment.